2018-05-18 - Lewinsville Church Cemetery


~4.6 mi @ ~14.1 min/mi

"Aaaaagggggghhhhhhh!" says K2, when garbage-day stench rises up to attack as she opens a streetside bin to discard an empty iced-coffee cup. Showers pause long enough for a quick Dawn Patrol circuit of McLean. We dance around puddles, duck below low-hanging soggy branches, and admire ornate iron gates that block mansion driveways. K-Rex leads us past the Lewinsville Church cemetery, a meditative moment beside a path between major streets. At the end of the run raindrops fall on the smartphone screen; it takes half a dozen tries to enter a password, unlock, and stop the GPS. Hmmmmmm, maybe we're not quite as slow as the trackfile suggests!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-05-31